February 18, 2025

Lineup and Future of the Site.

I’ve written a few articles called “lineup” in the past, but this one is a bit different. As you may have noticed, I’ve been away for a while. Nothing terrible happened; quite the opposite. I’ve been busy with client work. I’ve been fortunate that the number of assignments has continued, and I’m helping people and companies fix their Flow. I’ve also been doing a lot of development and database work, so I’ve been fortunate to build some beautiful pieces of software (in my highly biased opinion).

I’ve been super happy working like that, but the website is always in my mind. I was pushing five articles a week, and then I stopped, and that’s not ok. I have plenty of people who write to me telling me that the website helped, which is motivating and something I really need to keep.

I also miss writing. It’s something I like, and looking at the list of articles I have to write (the list is quite extensive), I want to pick one up and start again. But I need time; like everything, it’s all about priorities. I still need to pay attention to clients and work on their projects. They are doing spectacular work, and I’m super happy to be a part of it. It’s 100% of my income since this is my job now, but I always return to the same thing. I want to return to writing.

What I’ll do?

So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to do my best. Now, one can blame me, right? I will start carving out time during the week to write, defining a block of time I won’t work for clients and focusing on bringing articles to life. I can write 1 or 10 in that time (probably I’ll write only one 😀), but I will keep it on my schedule and block it for this. It doesn’t mean I’ll be able to publish weekly, but it does mean that I’ll be able to publish much more frequently than now.

So, the lineup will have to change to something like “no lineup.” I’ll write about what interests me at the time or what is important to me at the time.

So you’ll start seeing articles once in a while, but also some new sections added to the website. I’ll be bringing some older sections like privacy back. I’m trying out new automation products that are quite interesting, and I want to write about them as well.

More to come

Finally, I am almost ready to share a giant project. It started long ago, so I’m happy I’m nearly ready to show it to the world. I will share something on social media. You know, I’m not the most social person. I’m trying, but at least you know that if I post something, I’ll make it worthwhile.

You can follow me on Mastodon (new account), Twitter (I’m getting out, but there are still a few people who are worth following) or LinkedIn. Or email works fine as well 🙂

See you soon!

Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash



I have 18 years of experience in automation, project management, and development. In addition to that, I have been writing for this website for over 3 years now, providing readers with valuable insights and information. I hope my expertise allows me to create compelling, informative content that resonates with the audience.

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