March 7, 2025

It’s been a while and a few tries to get my blog up. It’s not hard to launch it, but it is hard to find time to write and especially hard to find time to write useful articles. In the past, I wrote a couple of posts and just gave up after a while. This time I’ve decided to relaunch with a different strategy. I think I now finally found the right topics, cadence, and tone for this blog to keep it going for a while.



Against my better judgment, I’ll keep the comment section open. Everyone tells me it’s a mistake, but I’ll do it anyway. I want to interact with people and get some feedback on what I’m writing. If I see that the SPAM bots are especially active, I’ll try to find another solution to quiet them down. I’ll check all comments before they are visible on the site. I know it’s extreme, but I want everything nice, clean and useful.



I’ll focus on three main areas:

  1. Privacy – if you know me, you know that this is something that I’m interested in for a while now. Privacy is a hot topic, and I want to explore it a little bit more.
  2. Tutorial – I spend a lot of time searching for “how to do X” or “how to fix problem Y” only to find in blogs one-line notes from people saying “try this.“ These are, sometimes, hours of searching and digging. I think there’s a better way so, each time I go over this process, I’ll write a tutorial written in a way that I would like to have found for myself. Topics will vary greatly but I hope you find them useful.
  3. Opinion – This one is trickier. It’s not my attempt to have a weekly column, far from it, but there are topics that I like that I want to dig further and develop a little bit more than just tweeting about them. You may not agree, and I’m happy to hear different opinions. Just be respectful like I am writing them.


Other Considerations

I’ll make announcements once in a while (like this one), so please be sure to check for them here or on Twitter.

Another change is that now I have an ad. I resisted, for a while, putting ads on my site but I think I found a delicate balance. It sits on the top; it’s small enough that you can easily ignore it, and it will only exist in the top of the page. I hate going through a helpful article to be interrupted by an ad or worse to have an advertisement disguised as content. I don’t want any of that for my blog.

Finally, I hope you enjoy the relaunch, especially the new design. Anything that you don’t like you can drop me a line on Twitter or email me.

I hope you like it.


Feature Image by Ian Dooley on Unsplash


I have 18 years of experience in automation, project management, and development. In addition to that, I have been writing for this website for over 3 years now, providing readers with valuable insights and information. I hope my expertise allows me to create compelling, informative content that resonates with the audience.

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