July 27, 2024

An ever-growing Power Automate Action Reference

My way of explaining each action with as much detail as I can. You’ll find suggestions, best practices, things to avoid, and limitations.
I’ll include all my experiences (good and bad) working with the actions.
For everyone
I want people to use it and share it. So I won’t put any restriction on it on this reference.
By everyone
Please contribute! The better I can make it, the better it will be for everyone.
Lots of places
I learn from lots of places, so some things may be found elsewhere.

Here are the sections where you can find articles. There are more in Microsoft’s reference, but I only include the ones I wrote about in the past.  

Microsoft Forms

Power Automate: Forms Get Response Details Action

One of the most used triggers in Power Automate if the Microsoft Forms is the “When a new response is submitted.” It will trigger when …
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Microsoft Planner

Power Automate: Planner – Create a task action

Automation can help us create tasks automatically in Microsoft Planner by using the “Create a task” action. I like this action a lot because it …
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Power Automate: Planner – Get a task Action

Most of the time, the “Get a task” action is used with the “When a new task is created Trigger” because the trigger won’t return …
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Power Automate: Planner – Get task details Action

Planner’s “Get task details” action is the go-to action when it comes to actions. It fetches all information for a specific task so that we …
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Power Automate: Planner – List Buckets Action

Microsoft Planner has two major ways of segmenting the data. Buckets and Labels. There are many differences between them, but in Power Automate, there’s one …
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Power Automate: Planner – List Tasks Action

When a Planner starts getting many tasks, it is important to add some automation to it to keep things manageable. The “List Tasks” action helps …
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Power Automate: Planner – Update a task Action

Although Microsoft Planner has an amazing UI to update tasks, there’s a lot of added value on updating tasks automatically when things change. The “Update …
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Power Automate: Planner – Update task details Action

As for all Office 365 tools, Power Automate integrates with Microsoft Planner, and there’s a lot that we can do. If you want an example, …
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Office 365 Excel

Power Automate: Office 365 Excel – Delete Row action

Although Excel is known for being a standalone application, there’s a lot that we can do with Power Automate and tasks that we can automate. …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Excel – Get a Row action

Although Excel is known for being a standalone application, there’s a lot that we can do with Power Automate and tasks that we can automate. …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Excel – List rows present in a table Action

We all use Excel, and it’s a great way to store information, so today, we’ll explore how to fetch data from an Excel file by …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Excel – Update a row Action

The integration between Power Automate and Excel is fantastic, and we can do a lot with the actions available to us. Today we’ll check the …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Excel – Update a Row action

Although Excel is known for being a standalone application, there’s a lot that we can do with Power Automate and tasks that we can automate. …
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Office 365 Outlook

Power Automate: Move Email Action

There’s nothing worse than archiving/organizing email. That’s where productivity goes to die a horrible death. But with the number of emails that we all get, …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Outlook – Delete email action

There’s the adage that email is where productivity dies, and I believe it, so having an action in Power Automate that helps us keep our …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Outlook – Forward an email action

Let’s say that you get an email all the time, but it’s not you who should deal with them. For example, you receive something from …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Outlook – Get email action

Power Automate has excellent support for Office 365 Outlook actions like the “Get email” action. This action does exactly what you would expect. It gets …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Outlook – Outlook Flag email action

Depending on your productivity/organization system, flagging emails is either a must or a waste of time. If you’re the former, the “flag email” action is …
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OneDrive for Business

Power Automate: OneDrive for Business – Create file action

Creating files automatically is a godsend since there are a lot of actions that we can do. For example, I create a new folder per …
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Power Automate: OneDrive For Business – Delete file action

Deleting files is a dangerous operation but important regarding automation and keeping things under control. One example is temporary files. You may need a file …
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Power Automate: OneDrive for Business – Get File Content Action

Today we’ll cover the same action on two different platforms. Almost two different platforms. OneDrive and OneDrive for Business. There’s a lot to cover between …
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Power Automate: OneDrive for Business – Get File Content Using Path Action

I’ve already covered the “Get File Content” action in a previous post, but today I would like to focus on the “sister” action called “Get …
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Power Automate: OneDrive for Business – Get file metadata using path Action

It’s quite common to parse files in Power Automate, especially in bulk. But to parse files, we don’t need to get the file into Power …
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Power Automate

Power Automate: Append to array variable Action

The “append to array variable” action is one of the most used functions on my daily Flows. It’s instrumental when parsing information and keeping the …
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Power Automate: Append to string variable Action

Variables are generic objects that can store things for us. They are instrumental, but we need to provide them with data. To do that, we …
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Power Automate: Apply to each Action

The “Apply to each” Action is one of Power Automate’s most used and useful actions. Since many actions return arrays, it’s useful to have an …
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Power Automate: Compose Action

Today the Swiss Army knife in Power Automate. The Compose Action is extremely useful when you have to perform any operation on your data, store …
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Power Automate: Condition Action

I can say with confidence that the condition action is one the most used actions in Power Automate. It’s simple in nature and instrumental in …
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Power Automate: Decrement Variable action

Variables are one of the most valuable actions in Power Automate , and today, we’ll look at how the “decrement variable” action works. The “decrement …
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Power Automate: Delay Action

We usually want our Flows to run as fast as possible, but sometimes there Flow or any other platform needs a bit of extra time …
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Power Automate: Format Number action

I wrote about the formatNumber function , the counterpart of the “Format Number” action, in case you need to develop complex formulas to get the …
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Power Automate: Get My Profile Action

Those who don’t know your profile always exist if you have an office 365 account. Depending on the diligence of your organization, your profile can …
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Power Automate: HTML to Text Action

There are times when HTML is not helpful, being for parsing the text or saving it. Removing HTML tags is a pain; that’s why the …
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Power Automate: Increment Variable action

Variables are one of the most valuable actions in Power Automate, and today, we’ll look at how the “increment variable” action works. The “increment variable” …
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Power Automate: Initialize variable Action

Power Automate has a fantastic feature to reference information from other actions. It’s usually accessible in the “Dynamic Content” tab, but there are times when …
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Power Automate: Office 365 – Get User Profile Action

One of the best things about having a centralized authentication system is that all the information is easily accessible everywhere in the company. If you …
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Power Automate: Office 365 Excel – Add a key column to a table action

If you do operations in Excel using Power Automate, you know that you need to use a “Key Column” and a “Key Value” pair to …
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Power Automate: Respond to a PowerApp or flow Action

The “Respond to a PowerApp or flow” action is not very useful for single running Flows, but when you create “Helper Flows,” you need this …
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Power Automate: Run a Child Flow Action

When it was introduced, this action was a reason for joy in the community. Previously we only could run other Flows using the Request Trigger, …
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Power Automate: Scope Action

The Scope Action is not commonly used, but it’s a super important one. Overall it doesn’t change your Flow, but it provides context to your …
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Power Automate: Send an email notification Action

There are multiple areas where the send email notification action is useful, but I want to highlight the following: Dealing with errors – aside from …
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Power Automate: Set variable Action

Variables are generic objects that can store things for us. They are instrumental, but we need to provide them with data. To do that, we …
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Power Automate: Switch Action

There are times where we have multiple possible values, and we want to have different workflows for each. Think in the case of a category. …
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Power Automate: Create new folder Action

Automation is key when it comes to automatic documentation, and creating folders and templates automatically is the way to get things prepared and done for …
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Power Automate: Send an HTTP request to SharePoint Action

Power Automate has an amazing set of actions for SharePoint, but none is more versatile than the “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action. With …
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Power Automate: SharePoint – Add attachment action

Many people don’t know this, but you can add attachments to a SharePoint list row. It’s convenient and much better than having a folder with …
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Power Automate: SharePoint – Create Item action

The “Create item Action” for SharePoint is, in my opinion, one of the most helpful Power Automate actions since it can remove a lot of …
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Power Automate: SharePoint – Get File Metadata Action

File metadata is boring but can be incredibly useful. The SharePoint “Get File Metadata” action enables you to get information like the file’s path, size, …
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Power Automate: SharePoint – Get Item Action

The SharePoint connector is one of the complete connectors, especially when it comes to lists. We can do a lot of operations to list items, …
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Power Automate: SharePoint – List folder Action

SharePoint is fantastic in everything related to files, so having Power Automate automating things in the background is even better. Today we’ll check on the …
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Power Automate: SharePoint Get Items Action

SharePoint is an amazing place to store information, and lists are the most useful way to organize the information. With the release of Microsoft Lists, …
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