July 27, 2024

An ever-growing Power Automate Function Reference

My way of explaining each function with as much detail as I can. You’ll find suggestions, best practices, things to avoid, and limitations.
I’ll include all my experiences (good and bad) working with the functions.
For everyone
I want people to use it and share it. So I won’t put any restriction on it on this reference.
By everyone
Please contribute! The better I can make it, the better it will be for everyone.
Lots of places
I learn from lots of places, so some things may be found elsewhere.

Here are the sections where you can find articles. There are more in Microsoft’s reference, but I only include the ones I wrote about in the past.  


CONTAINS function

In Power Automate, we need to parse a lot of strings and collections and, sometimes, it’s essential to understand if we have something that exists …
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EMPTY function

Checking if something is empty can save a lot of actions and potential breaking Flows. That’s why we have the “empty” function that will check …
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FIRST function

Arrays are part of the building blocks of Power Automate. We can get arrays from many actions like the SharePoint “Get Items” action, for example. …
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JOIN function

The join function is handy although I, don’t see many people using it. It converts an array in a string with a delimiter. At first, …
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LAST function

Arrays are part of the building blocks of Power Automate , and we can get arrays from many actions, like the SharePoint “Get Items” action, …
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LENGTH function

The length function is handy to get the size of a string or the number of objects of a collection. So you can use it …
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Data Conversion

ARRAY function

The array function will convert any value into an array. By any value, I mean one value only! The point of this function is not …
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BOOL function

Converting things is essential, and Power Automate has a few functions to help us in doing that. Today we’ll focus on the bool function that …
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I see many questions around this function; one of those is, “why should I use a createArray function?” It may seem strange, but this function …
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FLOAT function

Converting things is essential, and Power Automate has a few functions to help us in doing that. Today we’ll focus on the float function that …
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INT function

The int Function does something super simple. Convert a string into an integer value. That’s it. But, as always, we need to be careful while …
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JSON function

JSON is a standard used in multiple areas like integrations between systems (like Power Automate connections, for example), so it’s pretty widespread even if we …
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STRING function

Converting things is essential, and Power Automate has a few functions to help us in doing that. Today we’ll focus on the string function that …
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XPATH function

The “xpath function” is not the first function that comes to mind in Power Automate, and it’s not the most obvious; I’ll give you that, …
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Data Selection

IF function

Nothing compares to the Power Automate “if “function when it comes to fundamental functions. It exists in all platforms, programming languages, and tools. You name …
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ADDDAYS function

The addDays Function works just like the addSeconds Function and other similar functions. It adds the number of days to a specific date, based on a …
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ADDHOURS function

The addHours Function works just like the addSeconds Function and other similar functions. It adds the number of hours to a specific date, based on a …
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The addMinutes Function works just like the addSeconds Function and other similar functions. It adds the number of minutes to a specific date, based on a …
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I’ve used the addSeconds Function in previous posts but never spent time to explain it adequately. This function adds the number of seconds to a specific …
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ADDTOTIME function

Power Automate provides functions to add time-based on each of the units. For example, you can use the addSeconds Function to add only seconds, but …
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DAYOFWEEK function

The dayOfWeek Function will return an integer number that represents the day of the week for a date, where 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday …
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The formatDateTime Function allows you to turn a specific date in any format you want. It’s pretty helpful since different countries represent dates differently. Another …
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Dealing with dates and times is hard, especially considering time zones, formats, and regional settings. So having functions that do this for us is a …
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Dealing with dates and times is hard, especially considering time zones, formats, and regional settings. So having functions that do this for us is a …
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Dealing with dates and times is hard, especially considering time zones, formats, and regional settings. So having functions that do this for us is a …
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TICKS function

The “ticks” function is beneficial when it comes to parsing dates. Since dates are so messy to convert due to timezones, leap years, daylight saving, …
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UTCNOW function

The utcNow Function is equivalent to Now function in SharePoint and PowerApps, but it always returns the current date in UTC. SharePoint and PowerApps consider …
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ITEM function

The item function is oftentimes misunderstood since it’s not common to be used, but it’s beneficial. For example, when you’re inside a repeating action, like …
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OUTPUTS function

The “output” function is used to get the values from actions. Similar to how “variables” function but for all actions instead of only variables. Let’s …
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Triggers play an essential role in Power Automate since we could not even start the Flows without them. Triggers can have information that could be …
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VARIABLES function

Variables are a great way to keep data between actions and manipulate it so we can use it further down the line. But what about …
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Logical Operator

AND function

Sometimes one function is not enough, so combining multiple is necessary. To help us with that, we have the “and” function. It combines various functions …
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EQUALS function

Comparisons as extremely useful in any programming language or platform and Power Automate is not the exception. The “equals” function helps us to have two …
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GREATER function

Comparisons as extremely useful in any programming language or platform, and Power Automate is not the exception. For example, the “greater” function helps us to …
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Comparisons are an essential part of any platform, and Power Automate has fantastic functions to help us with that. For example, the “greaterOrEquals” function serves …
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Comparisons are an essential part of any platform, and Power Automate has excellent functions to help us with that. The lessOrEquals function is incredibly handy …
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NOT function

Many think that the not function is useless. Usually, the “not” function is used in comparisons, so if you’re comparing if something is not something …
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OR function

Sometimes one function is not enough, so combining multiple is necessary. To help us with that, we have the “or” function. It combines multiple functions …
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ADD function

I have to admit that this function and all the other analogous functions (sub, mul, and div) are quite strange. This function will add two …
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DIV function

I have to admit that the div function and all the other analogous functions (sub, add, and mul) is quite strange. This function will divide …
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MIN function

The min Function finds in an array of numbers the lowest number. Quite simple and handy. Usage It follows a simple pattern. An array of numbers …
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MUL function

I have to admit that the mul function and all the other analogous functions (sub, add, and div) is quite strange. This function will multiply …
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SUB function

I have to admit that the “sub function” and all the other analogous functions (add, mul and div) are quite strange. This function will subtract …
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String Manipulation

CONCAT function

Building strings is one of the most common actions in any tool or framework, and Power Automate is not the exception. The Concat function helps …
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ENDSWITH function

Power Automate’s endsWith function is part of a set of functions that deal with strings. In this case we’re checking if a string ends with …
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I wrote recently about converting strings into numbers, but in that article, I used the “Format Number” action for simplicity’s sake. But its counterpart is the …
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GUID function

The first question that comes to mind is a “GUID”. I wrote about it a while ago for Power Apps, but today I want to …
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INDEXOF function

The “indexOf” function is essential for data parsing. You’ll rarely parse some text and don’t use this function. It returns the first occurrence of a …
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The “lastIndexOf” function is the corollary to the “indexOf” function, where it returns the last occurrence. It always returns a number, and it will return: …
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We’ve covered in the path the indexOf function, but today I wanted to cover the less known brother function, the “nthIndexOf” function. It does the …
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REPLACE function

The “replace” function is one that shows up frequently in every programming language. The usage is simple but extremely powerful. Usage It follows a simple …
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SPLIT function

The split Function breaks down your string into an array of strings using the delimiter that you defined. Think of the delimiter as a border. …
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Power Automate’s startsWith function is part of a set of functions that deal with strings. In this case, we’re checking if a string starts with …
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SUBSTRING function

The substring function is widely popular and widely used. We have the need all the time to parse the string to get sections of it. …
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TOLOWER function

The toLower Function sets all items in a string to lowercase. There is the toUpper function also, and these functions are super useful, mainly if …
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TOUPPER function

The toUpper Function sets all items in a string to uppercase. There is the toLower function also, and these functions are super useful, mainly if …
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TRIM function

When it comes to parsing strings, there’s a lot of difficult things to take into consideration. For example, spaces in the beginning and the end …
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URI Conversion

URIHOST function

Parsing URLs is super hard, but Power Automate has many functions that deal with this so nicely that it is a waste of time for …
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URIPATH function

So you have a URL and want to get parts of it. One way would be to use the split function or indexOf function and …
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So you have a URL and want to get parts of it. One way would be to use the split function or indexOf function and …
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URIQUERY function

So you have a URL and want to get parts of it. One way would be to use the split function or indexOf function and …
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URISCHEME function

So you have a URL and want to get parts of it. One way would be to use the split function or indexOf function and …
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