Power Automate: array Function
The array function will convert any value into an array. By any value, I mean one value only! The point of this function is not …
Making your life easier!
This Power Automate function reference has two main objectives. To explore the fundamental concepts and understand them better. The second is to provide some feedback on how to use them efficiently.
I don’t want for this Power Automate function reference to replace the excellent Microsoft reference, but I want to augment it with some information that you only find once you use the tools.
The array function will convert any value into an array. By any value, I mean one value only! The point of this function is not …
I have to admit that the div function and all the other analogous functions (sub, add, and mul) is quite strange. This function will divide …
I have to admit that the mul function and all the other analogous functions (sub, add, and div) is quite strange. This function will multiply …
I have to admit that this function and all the other analogous functions (sub, mul, and div) are quite strange. This function will add two …
I have to admit that the “sub function” and all the other analogous functions (add, mul and div) are quite strange. This function will subtract …
The length function is handy to get the size of a string or the number of objects of a collection. So you can use it …
The “indexOf” function is essential for data parsing. You’ll rarely parse some text and don’t use this function. It returns the first occurrence of a …
The substring function is widely popular and widely used. We have the need all the time to parse the string to get sections of it. …
The “replace” function is one that shows up frequently in every programming language. The usage is simple but extremely powerful. Usage It follows a simple …
The join function is handy although I, don’t see many people using it. It converts an array in a string with a delimiter. At first, …