The new lineup for the site
I’ve been checking the analytics, and something has been bothering me. I’m working on some sections that are not bringing a lot of added value …
Making your life easier with automation
This area contains all the announcements posted on this site. I’ll try to keep this at a minimum since I know this is usually not relevant information for everyone. I’ll focus on events, meetups, groups, and similar information I think you should know. Finally, I’ll try to make the announcements useful and not too much self-serving.
I’ve been checking the analytics, and something has been bothering me. I’m working on some sections that are not bringing a lot of added value …
I like to take the end of the year to reflect a little on the year that’s passed, and since last year I didn’t publish …
This is my second “Happy Holidays” post. Last year was a special one because it was my first, and I was not expecting to keep …
As you have noticed, I’ve been lacking on posting new stuff. Time’s been busy, and as a poet said, “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” I decided …
It’s been precisely one year since I launched this site. Happy Birthday! 🎉 At the time I started it, I wanted an outlet to write more …
This is my 100th post! 🎉. Time to celebrate and look back on what I’ve learned. If you’ve visited my “About” page, you may know a little …
Please check my book section and come back often to the podcast section to check out new and excellent content for you to listen to …
I started this post thinking about saying “Happy Good Friday,” but this time is not for celebration. First, the actual day is not a day …
Introducing my book section 🙂 Every year I try to read as many books as I can. There are hundreds of articles saying that you …
Depending on your religion or beliefs, this can be a time of celebration, another day, or just another holiday. So, I wish you Merry Christmas, …