Power Automate: Planner – Get a task Action
Most of the time, the “Get a task” action is used with the “When a new task is created Trigger” because the trigger won’t return …
Making your life easier!
Power Automate is a wonderful low-code tool, but I see many questions regarding how certain actions work. Since I’ve been doing for a while Power Automate, Sharepoint List, and Power Automate References, I think this would be a nice addition to the reference section.
I’ll show you a deep dive into a new one every week in the Power Automate Action Reference. I’ll explain how it works, best practices, and some things you should be aware of.
Most of the time, the “Get a task” action is used with the “When a new task is created Trigger” because the trigger won’t return …
Although Microsoft Planner has an amazing UI to update tasks, there’s a lot of added value on updating tasks automatically when things change. The “Update …
One of the best things about having a centralized authentication system is that all the information is easily accessible everywhere in the company. If you …
Planner’s “Get task details” action is the go-to action when it comes to actions. It fetches all information for a specific task so that we …
One of the most used triggers in Power Automate if the Microsoft Forms is the “When a new response is submitted.” It will trigger when …
Microsoft Planner has two major ways of segmenting the data. Buckets and Labels. There are many differences between them, but in Power Automate, there’s one …
There are multiple areas where the send email notification action is useful, but I want to highlight the following: Dealing with errors – aside from …
As for all Office 365 tools, Power Automate integrates with Microsoft Planner, and there’s a lot that we can do. If you want an example, …
It’s quite common to parse files in Power Automate, especially in bulk. But to parse files, we don’t need to get the file into Power …
Power Automate has an amazing set of actions for SharePoint, but none is more versatile than the “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action. With …