March 7, 2025

Today this site is three years old, and I want to celebrate it reaching 3 more years than I expected 😀. I wrote a post for the first and second birthdays, so I could not go without writing another post and keep the “tradition” going. 

The stats

Like every year, I like to start with the stats, and looking at previous years makes me happy to see the progress. I had to take a break this year (break’s over, don’t worry) from posting for many uninteresting reasons, but I’m still proud of my number of 422 posts. 

I keep my pace of 5 articles a week and the pledge of learning in public by publishing stuff that I don’t know and answering all comments I can. Speaking of comments, three years running, I think my bet of keeping them on was good. The feedback continues to be positive and super constructive, so I’ll keep them on (SPAM continues to come, but my SPAM bot is handling it).

The schedule

The schedule was adapted a bit, so now we have:

  1. MondayPower Automate Q&A. It’s not a new section, but since I reply to questions by email (when I can), I wanted to publish the amazing questions, and I think you would benefit from them.
  2. TuesdayPower Automate continues to dominate Tuesdays. I’ll keep it as a single post every week instead of sharing it with SharePoint or Power Apps because all of you have spoken to what you want to see. Power Automate is 2/3 of the site’s traffic, so I will push forward and provide you with more content.
  3. WednesdayPower Automate Function Reference will stop sharing a day with SharePoint list function Reference or Power App Function Reference and will become the champion for Wednesday. Same reason as before. It amounts to a gigantic slice of the website’s traffic, so I want to provide the content you want to read.
  4. ThursdayPower Automate Action Reference will move tho Thursday, and I will continue to explore the vast number of actions that Power Automate has to offer
  5. FridayPower Automate Trigger Reference – we end the week with the trigger reference and explore how we can trigger our Flows efficiently.

I reduced it from 6 to 5 articles to give me a bit more time to focus on the articles and make them as best as I can.

What didn’t work

There was a lot of experimentation, but I had to be realistic and see that they were not driving any traffic, meaning that people were not interested. Things like OneDrive and Lists were not seen, and since I have limited time, I want to focus on the areas you want to see. That doesn’t mean that new areas won’t come. I have a few in mind, so follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn for any news.

I will continue to publish things related to SharePoint or Power Apps occasionally, but I don’t want to make it a weekly or periodic commitment.

New experiments will come (can be new areas or other things), and I’ll change the schedule like I’ve done 100 times in the past, but the intention is always the same. To provide you with the best content possible.

Also, the bookmark and idea sections weren’t helpful to most of you, so I’ll retire them soon. I want useful stuff, but the experiment was worth the try.

The sardine

My company, SKILLFUL SARDINE, is doing well, so I can scale this website to serve more people and keep the site free. I started it relatively recently, and I’m happy that I’m currently living a 100% independent lifestyle. Not having a “real” job allows me to have time to provide you with more content and think about other things to make this website as amazing as possible.

The Future

I’m preparing some fantastic things that I’m sure you will like, so please keep me posted on Twitter or LinkedIn for the latest news. What I can say now is that I resisted a lot of ads on this site. I tried to justify it since the website is starting to get some traction, but the privacy implications are enormous, not to mention that the website would look horrendous. So I’ll keep everything free and clean for you to enjoy.


Thanks for reading my stuff, commenting, and interacting. It means a lot to me, and I love the feedback. It means a lot to me that you read the things I publish and that they are helpful to you.

Photo by Felipe Santana on Unsplash



I have 18 years of experience in automation, project management, and development. In addition to that, I have been writing for this website for over 3 years now, providing readers with valuable insights and information. I hope my expertise allows me to create compelling, informative content that resonates with the audience.

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